Thursday, November 02, 2006

Build it... and they will come.

Big Web Lie #1

I saw the movie "Field of Dreams".

It's a great fantasy flick.

If you're serious about a web business, you need to get out of the fantasy world and come back down to reality with the rest of us.

This has to be Big Lie #1 out of the ten biggest bull patties of all time.

I explore the ten biggest web lie whoopers in my blog.

I have had sincere, honest, and caring people tell me "Paul, if you build a site with a great domain name, outstanding service or products, and work hard at building great content, they will come."

Bull Patties!
(this one rates 3 bull patties)

Building a successful web business requires more than just a great web site that sells.

People continue to listen to the Gurus and we still have a 97% business failure rate on the Internet.

Most of these Gurus have never built a web business, and I hate to burst your bubble, but most of these Gurus are making a killing off people like you.

Everyone owns a web site...everyone writes and eBook...everyone is making millions!

Yea, right.

Can you smell it?

Bull patty meters are going off all over the place.

Let me help you avoid some pain.

Do you have any idea why people surf the web?

Notice, I said surf (they haven't become a client or customer yet).

Most people surf the web for information they can find fast and free.

Let's take the key word phrase "Civil War Battles".

For those of you who built a beautiful web site with great products and great pictures and credit card processors, I'm sorry to announce that you lost your butts. All the keyword optimizer programs and graphics programs and header programs are a big waste of money. You got suckered.

Common Sense would tell you that 95% of the people who typed the key word phrase "Civil War Battles" into their favorite search engine were students doing their home work assignments. Why? They can find millions of pages and pictures and blogs about civil war battles that would guarantee them an A+ in history.

So answer me this.

How did building the most beautiful web site in the history of the Internet with the best tools available, the best products earn you one penny?

So you can't earn income with a Civil War Site?

Not unless you understand your prospective client or customer and the difference between him/her and a high school student looking to impress his/her teacher.

And you won't make an income or profit unless you understand how to get qualified traffic to your web site. Did you notice that word... qualified?

If you're selling civil war products, students looking for homework help are not qualified. They aren't there to buy. You can brag all day about your traffic hit counter going off the charts if you want to, but you just got "punked" by another web Guru who told you that if you sign up for his/her program, you'll get thousands of hits a day... didn't you.

That "snake in the grass" got you!

So if you find a niche, have a passion or expertise in that niche, find the right tools to design and promote your site, how do you get qualified "themes" to come?

You have to do a lot of thinking and planning. You have to have a strategy that works. In other words, you ain't going to get rich quick and you may not earn enough to even support your investment without doing the hard work.

Like a good friend, or coach, I'm trying to give it to you straight.

This stuff ain't easy.

If it were, everyone would be doing it.

Hey wait a minute... everyone is doing it.

What's that tell you?

NEXT POST... Big Lie #2 You can make a living on the Web

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